Ben Wallis ( aka Benny The Runner ) hails from Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia. He is a 41yr old Husband and Father who.. Well loves running.
He runs religiously and is a self proclaimed "crazy runner".
Former state junior representative, who after some time away from the sport ( Benny only just started running again 4 and half years ago, after a 17 year hiatus from the sport!), is now back running and making waves in a big way.
Thanks to a few companies backing Benny and a huge support on social media and within the running community, he is thoroughly enjoying his running again and is blessed to have made a plethora of amazing friendships.
1. PBs?
All time PB'S are .. 3km ( 8.58 ), 5km ( 15.20 ), 10km ( 32.30 ) . These were back in the 90's while I was in high school. Last year at the Melbourne Marathon I ran a Half Marathon ( 1hr 15.23 ) and the Marathon ( 2hr 43 ) PB's in the same race.
2. What is your motivation?
Well. Without sounding weird.. I could say social media. Without social media and the people I have met, I could say with confidence that I wouldn't be running at all.

3. Most memorable race?
Well.. That's a really hard question to be honest. I've had a fair few in my running adventures.
4. Number of marathons you have run:
This year in October will be my Third official Marathon.
5. Where was your first marathon? Melbourne, 2016

6. Ever DNF?
None that I can actually think of.
7. The only running shoes for me:
8. Ever injured?
Yeah, I fell off my skateboard ( oldies don't bounce too good ) and fractured my left arm in early December last year. Otherwise, just the typical runners issues / niggles. I've been pretty lucky.
9. Hot or cold weather runner?
Everyone loves running in the warmer weather, its natural, but we just have to train in winter to get tougher and enjoy the marathon season and or Winter Cross Country racing.
10. Morning or evening runs? At the time of writing, I've been an evening runner ( 7pm onwards ) due to work hours and commitments. I love running at anytime of day to be honest. I will be running both in the Marathon build up after Run Melbourne this weekend.
11. Favorite post race nosh:
Depending on the race and where, a beer or two with all my mates I haven't seen for a bit. Otherwise, I'll eat anything. Haha.
12. DeCastella or Moneghetti?
Mona's all the way. I say this because I was lucky enough to train with Steve and also Lee Troop back in the day with a bunch of Ballarat crazies. He's the best bloke, great with everyone and very humble.
Deeks is the OG of Aussie distance running of course and is equally impressive with his history and what he's done for Aussie athletics and the indigenous community.

13. Flat Course or Hills?
I like a bit of both actually. Flat courses are hard work because everyone else goes faster than I'd like them to haha.. A course with hills can be challenging. But running here in Warrnambool in Victoria, most of the roads are hilly, so I have trained to adjust to that. Hidden power and as I say to people... HILLZ pay da BILLZ
14. Road, Cross Country, Trails or Track? I'm happy on every aspect, although I do need to do more trail. I've heard it gets addictive though.
15. Run alone or with a group?
90% of the time I train alone. We have started getting some runners together and starting to form a group which is great fun.
16. Ever won your age group?
Yeah, a handful of times which is always a nice surprise.
17. Pre-race routines? (night before or morning of)
It's always hard to get good sleep the night before an event. I try and relax as much as I can, make sure I have my race kit ready, have something light to eat and go over everything in my head.
18. What is your typical night before the big race meal?
Try and eat some salad, pasta and a bit of meat. I also try and drink a litre of water before bed.
19. What's the farthest you've ever run at one time?
Longest run for me is 61km. I did that on my own for a friend of mine. She was doing a fundraiser for running and mental health called the Run Brave challenge. I ran from Warrnambool to Port Fairy and back. Very emotional day and when I finished I rang her. I was crying, it was just one of those days I'll never forget in a hurry
20. Best part of running: Having that time alone, the benefit of getting fitter and being able to see what's around you and obviously meeting people
