In this blog post, we wanted to share an honest account of some of our values and why we have made the move into the world of coaching and in particular online coaching.
This move was not without deliberation, countless late night meetings, long runs (not long lunches), ping pong matches on messenger, zoom dates and workshops.

As part of our extensive research process, we spoke to runners from all walks of lives. We wanted to get an insight into some of their experiences with how they feel they could get more out of their running. In particular the information, feedback and motivation that is required to help them get out the door and continue training.
Some of the discussions centered around apps, coaches from athletic clubs, personal trainers, using " Dr Google" and books. We were surprised and motivated by some of the great experiences they had had, but found that some just didn't quite hit the mark.

With decades of experience between us, we really wanted to take coaching and the way it's delivered to a new place. Coupled with our passion, enthusiasm and genuine love for the sport, we really saw an opportunity to take runners of all abilities on a journey.
YES, we have PB in the name and we do focus on performance but we also realise that the road to a PB involves so much more than the training.
We are all committed to strong core values at Run2PB, and when we were establishing some of these, we actually looked at what we really didn't want to be and here are some of those:
We are not an App or Bot.
Our online programs are personalised, interactive and above all geared towards the individuals goals. With our research we saw a lot of apps on the market that were filling the void for people who wanted to try and run better through automated feedback via an app, or simply wanted to download a program that they could follow on a day to day basis.
For some people this is enough to keep them accountable, but we know from our years of experience, that feedback and accountability comes from an interaction with a coach and more importantly a human!
A.I or "BOTS" can't replace that interaction. Sure they can analyse the data set and deliver responses, but it lacks emotion and doesn't always tell the full story. We believe open lines of communication between coach and athlete are truly the only way to improve your running.
We don't believe in Fads or Quick Fixes
According to new research from the Commonwealth Bank released in 2018, Australians spend more than $4.7billion on health and fitness products to achieve their NY resolution-based goals.

It's a marathon not a sprint! Running and getting the best out of yourself takes time and your goals require planning, commitment and patience. We will never offer quick fixes or sessions that are a 'guaranteed' path to a PB.
We all know the journey towards reaching goals and PB's has peaks and troughs. The good times are amazing and the challenges, such as injuries and setbacks can be testing, but the resilience and lessons learned along the way are beneficial in so many areas of your life.
We are not a one size fits all model.
We don't duplicate programs, cut and paste, or write a 10 week plan that can be 'downloaded'. All our programs are developed after working through a runners history, goals, current training cycle, lifestyle/work and family commitments.
As they say, there are many ways to skin a cat, our personalised programs are developed taking into a number of factors.

Our online platform Final Surge, allows 360 degree feedback between coach and athlete, it's interactive and allows for tweaking on the go. We carefully analyse each session and every run, making adjustments on the basis of a range of metrics that we track.
We are not "cashing in"
We don't believe in making a quick buck or taking advantage of people. In fact, we are so open about working with people that we view our initial consultation as a two-way 'interview' as we really want to ensure that there is a mutual understanding of goals and commitment.
We purposely limit our numbers so we can provide the very best and more attentive service to our athletes.

We truly hope this gives you a bit more of an insight about Run2PB and our vision.
Got a comment, or a question about Run2PB, email us on