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How Tim slashed 7mins off his 10k time, in just 12 weeks.

Updated: Nov 23, 2018

Recently we caught up with Tim Smith, Run2PB athlete, to hear all about his training with Run2PB and how he slashed a massive 7 minutes off his PB in the 10km at the Melbourne Marathon Festival.

Run2PB: How did you feel before the 10k, did you feel ready and prepared? 

Going into a race there is always a sense of apprehension of the unknown, but I felt confident that with 12 weeks of preparation that I was in good shape and had an indication of what I could achieve from the training and a plan of how to take on the race.

Run2PB: How did the race pan out? 

The start line of the event was a little chaotic as it is in a large fun run, but I quickly found a good rhythm with my pace without getting caught up in the excitement or competitiveness of people running through the field from the back. Through the middle stages of the race, the hills around the back of the tan and back up to the shrine took a bit out of me so I would recover a little on the downhills whilst trying to maintain a decent pace. The hills took out the big kick over the last few km's I was hoping for, but having paced the race right I didn't blow up and ran strongly to the finish. 

Tim crossing the line in the MCG with a huge PB

Run2PB: Did you take on your coaches advice and execute? 

Yes. When Brady sent through the race plan I thought it was slightly conservative but I stuck to the paces and was glad I did. Having blown up in races before, it was a far more enjoyable experience to run strong to the finish line whilst others around me were in the hurt box. It was great to have a plan going into the race and I got everything out of myself whilst enjoying the experience.

Run2PB: Did you hit your goal time? 

Having run 53:30 the year before, my goal to go under 50 mins and to see by how much I could beat that time by with a proper running program. Given conditions on the day weren't the best, I was stoked to smash my time by 7 minutes and get a new PB in the process.

Run2PB: Has the training structure helped, and if so why?

100%! Coming from a football background I had never followed a structured running program before. It didn't take long for Brady to asses where my fitness levels were and adjust the pace of my workouts to a level I found challenging yet achievable. Although some sessions were intimidating, Brady seemed to know what I was capable of achieving more than I did. Through the sessions, I could clearly see my progression where I slowly grew in confidence that I could achieve my goal time. The personally tailored program fitted with my lifestyle, taking into account when I was busy and couldn't train as well as incorporating important sessions I enjoyed such as social runs with friends.

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